Zhumadilova Makhabat Toleubaevna
UMR specialist of the 1st category of the Department of Foreign Languages, Novosibirsk state pedagogical University, mahabat.777@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Pedagogical Objective and the Role of Social Institutions of Novonikolaevsk in the Child-rearing in the Early 19th Century

Introduction. Considering the current situation of reforming child welfare institutions, historical and pedagogical view of their formation and development is essential. As a result, socio-historic research mission of pattern, objective, and the content of the work of child welfare institutions has been updated. The purpose of the study is to learn what pedagogical objectives were set for social institutions in the first quarter of the 19th century when they are just beginning to be created; to determine the conditions for using the historical experience of social institutions at an early stage. Methodology and research methods. As theoretical bases for the study of historical and pedagogical analysis, dedicated to educational practice and social protection of children, pre-revolutionary research (V. O. Klyuchevsky, V. I. Guerrier, A. I. Herzen, etc.) as well as late ones (L. V. Badya, M. V. Poddubny, M. V. Firsov, T. S. Dorokhova, Z. I. Lavrentieva) were used. The research method is the analysis of archival materials based on public organizations, reports, memos, and resolutions. In conclusion the author infers about the use of advanced pedagogical experience in the work of child welfare institutions in the first quarter of the 19th century which can be used in our days.
social institutions, child welfare institutions, social pedagogy, social protection of children, orphans, education

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