Efremenkov Andrei Borisovich
Кандидат технических наук, Assistant Professor, Director of Iurga Technological Institute branch, National Research Tomsk Polytechnical University, ytitpu@tpu.ru, Iurga
Pakxomova Elena Alekseevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Assistant Professor, Kuzbass Regional Institute of Development of Vocational Education, pahomova-ea@ako.ru, Kemerovo
Bibik Vladislav Leonidovich
Кандидат технических наук, Assistant Professor of Iurga Technological Institute branch, National Research Tomsk Polytechnical University, bibik@tpu.ru, Iurga
Kaliniuk Yuri Vladimirovich
Без ученой степени, Director, Asino Vocational College of Industry and Service, kalinuk@mail.ru, Asino

The Development of Production Competences during the Process of Practice -Oriented Training

Some aspects of practice oriented specialist training both in Russia and abroad are considered in the paper. An alternative of integrated system of training of specialists within the frameworks of applied bachelor training is proposed. The paper deals with forms and methods of carrier guidance that aim to develop creativity when planning and realizing career plans. Poses the problem of organization of professional education of youth in connection with its subsequent employment
integrated training, applied bachelor training, professional engineer, dual system of professional education