Bulankina Nadezhda Efimovna
Доктор философских наук, Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Novosibirsk Institute of Professional Skills Improvement and Vocational Retraining of Education Workers, nebn@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk

Culture-Creation Component of Architectonics of Humanities Information and Education Spaces: Value Context of Postmodern Era

There is no shortage of research materials intended to meet the teachers’ need for continuing/life-learning professional development as a creator of the social and educational activities in the national public school spaces in terms of Pedagogy and Knowledge Content Efficacy. The purpose of this manuscript is to stand back from the surface detail of formal education of the teacher and to provide an overall perspective on the teacher’s creative mission as a communicator, a person of high language and communication culture, for harmony and psychological balance within intercultural communication created via different devices. Concept and methodology of this research, based in the main on the principles of humanism which reflect on the ideas of axiological and process approaches that concern the concepts of engaging teachers in a process of recurrent professional development. Results of this research include the comprehensive model that consists of three value concepts for a) creating the humanities educational spaces via acculturation; b) teaching the four skills and spoken communication skills via current devices of language teaching and ideological trend of acculturation; c) involving participants into ‘genuine’ communication via bringing social oriented and language learning activities reflected on the creative mission of national public school education that works its way up through culture experience in the classroom. In conclusion this article presents a handful of arguments of the significance of the growth and level of multilingual culture to affect the diversity of the personality’s vital forces, its development providing opportunities for professional and social self-realization, adaptation, and increasing creative potential in the process of critical thinking and creative communication via Technology, Pedagogy, and Knowledge Content Efficacy of current methodology of teaching and learning in the classroom. By the same token we have grounds for clarifying and verifying our vision on the Concept of “Humanities environment/spaces” in the frameworks of the comprehensive model of its architectonics, i.e. a harmony of the culture-creation elements via languages of education, the polyphony of knowledge, technology, spheres of recurrent professional development of a current educator.
cultural self-determination (CSD), acculturation of the learning spaces, principles of humanism, ideological trend, integration, dramatization, social and language activities, Knowledge Content Efficacy

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