Vilisov Denis Valerevich
Lecturer of the Department of Automobiles, Armored Weapons and Equipment, Novosibirsk Military Institute named after Army General I. K. Yakovlev of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, denis.vilisov85@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Educational Environment as a Pedagogical Condition for the Successful Training

Introduction. The educational environment is a cultural space open for the formation of a future specialist in his professional culture. However, to improve the effectiveness of training cadets, pedagogical conditions are needed that adapt training technologies to the realities of a modern military educational organization of higher education (hereinafter VOOVO). At present, training technologies have been developed and introduced for cadets who are able to function in the interests of the defense and security of the state, as well as to ensure the rule of law and law and order in the Russian Federation. However, the professional qualification of a modern officer requires the modernization of his knowledge, including on the basis of self-education, self-organization and self-actualization of existing experience. The purpose of the article is to identify pedagogical conditions conducive to the high-quality mastering of automobile technology by cadets by means of successfully solving situational problems, which, firstly, consolidate the skills of driving a car, secondly, form the reflexive abilities of introspection of the difficulties arising in this case, and thirdly, create a communicative environment, contributing to the comprehension of the service-combat mission by all participants in military-professional activity. Research methodology and methods. The study presents the structure of the educational environment of the modern VOOVO as a pedagogical condition conducive to the successful mastering of the discipline “Automotive training” by cadets. This structure was obtained through the analysis of existing ideas about the educational environment as a cultural space for the formation of a future specialist. However, the article takes into account the features of both a military educational organization and the specific content of the subject “Automotive training”. Research results. The following structural components of the educational environment have been identified, which represent a pedagogical condition for the success of training cadets to drive combat vehicles and cars. In conclusion, it is concluded that the empirical data basically confirmed that the pedagogical conditions developed in the study became effective in teaching cadets to drive cars. It was these conditions that organized the educational environment as part of the cultural space of the modern VOOVO, open both in content and organizational terms for the formation of a future specialist in his professional culture. Among the main ones, we identified pedagogical conditions that contribute to the high-quality mastering of automobile equipment by cadets by means of successfully solving situational tasks, which consolidate the skills of driving a car, form the reflexive abilities of introspection of the difficulties arising in this case, create a communicative environment that contributes to the comprehension of the service-combat task by all participants in military-professional activities.
educational environment, pedagogical condition, military educational organization, cadets, situational task, military professional training

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