Dianova Yulia Aleksandrovna
graduate student, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Penza State Technological University, dianova@penzgtu.ru, Penza
Nazarenko Anna Vladimirovna
senior Lecturer, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Penza State Technological University, anynazar@yandex.ru, Penza

School of Innovators as a Tool for Revealing the Research Potential of Students

The formation of a highly qualified specialist in the educational environment is realized through a number of influences, including active research work. One of the tools for developing the research potential of students at Penza State Technological University (hereinafter referred to as PenzSTU) is the School of Innovators, whose activities are aimed at creating an educational platform for systematic information, methodological and advisory support for youth initiatives, and developing students’ competencies in the field of project activities. Personal and professional qualities that ensure the competitiveness of specialists with higher education in the labor market are formed with a systematic approach to the educational process and research activities. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of organizing and conducting the School of Innovators in PenzSTU and the effectiveness of its activities. Research methodology and methods. The study was conducted on basis of a systematic approach. Systems research means a set of modern scientific and technical problems and developments, which in all their diversity converge in that they consider the objects they study as systems, that is, a set of interrelated elements as a single whole. The analyzed sources were the works of N. V. Barinova, E. A. Pecherskaya, A. A. Chernikova and others. Research methods are analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature, survey, methods of mathematical processing of experimental data. Conclusion. In conclusion, we came to the result, that the activity of the School of Innovators is of great importance, and how it affects the activation of scientific and technical creativity of young people.
research work, research potential, School of innovators

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