Stepkova Oksana Vasilievna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assist. Prof. of Psychology and Education Department, School of Arts and Humanities, Far Eastern Federal University, 2asya@inbox.ru, Vladivostok
Kushnareva Natalia Vasilievna
Student, 44.03.03 Special (defectological) education, profile «Education of persons with speech disorders», School of Arts and Humanities, Far Eastern Federal University, nataly4.kushnareva@yandex.ru, nataly4.kushnareva@yandex.ru, Vladivostok

The Information Site as the Way of the Communicative Skills Development of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of the communicative skills development of primary school children with autism spectrum disorders using the information site. The purpose of the article is to highlight the possibilities of using the information site by teachers in the process of communication skills development in children with autism spectrum disorders. Research methodology and methods. The research is based on the methodology of a differentiated approach taking into account the age and individual capabilities of the schoolchildren, as well as the severity of the disorder. Various classifications of autism spectrum disorders have been analyzed, and special attention has been paid to the consideration of the peculiarities of speech development, namely, its communicative function. The stages of the research carried out in order to identify the level of communication skills development of children with autism spectrum disorders and the search for ways of corrective work are reflected. Research results. The results of experimental work with the use of an information site aimed to communication skills development of primary schoolchildren with autism spectrum disorders have been presented. Conclusion. In conclusion we should underline that the communicative skills are one of the main manifestations of autism spectrum disorders and teachers can use information technology (for example, an information site) to develop these skills.
autism spectrum disorders, communication skills, information technology, information site

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