Medvedeva Olesya Dmitrievna
Postgraduate student, Institute of Humanities, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, olesyateacher@bk.ru, St. Petersburg

Analysis of Soft Skills Implementation in the System of Foreign Language Training in Higher School.

Modern society requires highly qualified personnel who are able not only to demonstrate high achievements in professional activities but also to build interpersonal relationships, organize teamwork, and conduct business negotiations in their native and foreign languages. Hence, there is a need for development of these skills combined in the concept of "soft skills", which must be carried out during training at the university, but now their content and possibility of the development in the system of foreign language training seem to be insufficiently studied. The purpose of the article is to analyse soft skills implementation in the system of foreign language training in higher education considering such educational standards as the Federal State Educational Standard 3++ and the Self-imposed Educational Standard of SPbSTU. To achieve this goal, we used a method of a content analysis of Russian and foreign language scientific articles to identify components of soft skills in the field of foreign language acquisition and the method of a correlation analysis based on comparison of competencies formulated in the educational standards with soft skills in the field of foreign language acquisition. The conducted research allowed us to develop a typology of soft skills in the field of foreign language acquisition. According to the results of the correlation analysis, it was revealed that the soft skills implementation in modern Russian educational standards is presented sufficiently. The results of the study confirm relevance and focus of the higher education on the development of soft skills; it demonstrates the possibility of soft skills development in the framework of teaching a foreign language, as well as compliance with the requirements of modern society.
soft skills, soft skills development, foreign language training, foreign language acquisition, higher school, educational standards of higher education, soft skills in the field of foreign language acquisition

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