Morozova Olga Petrovna
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof., Prof., Department of Social Psychology and Pedagogical Education, Altai State University, mop@mail.asu.ru, Barnaul

Innovative Models of Pedagogical Education at the Classical University .

The article is devoted to the role of classical university education in the training of highly qualified, highly competitive teaching staff capable of forming the image of a new school in modern conditions. The achievement of such a complex task is ensured by identifying and implementing the heuristic capabilities of a classical university in the development of pedagogical education. The author associates such opportunities with its fundamentalization, research orientation, advanced character, etc. The purpose of the article is to present the results of a scientific study related to the definition and theoretical justification of possible ways to implement models of teacher education as an optimal “scenario” for training elite teachers in a classical university. Methodology and methods of research. The methodological basis of the research is the philosophical provisions about a person as a subject of his own life activity; the unity and interrelation of processes and phenomena, general and special. The general methodology of the research is represented by a system-synergetic approach that allows us to consider professional and pedagogical training in a classical university as an open developing system in the “school-university-school”continuity relations; a holistic approach as a methodological orientation towards the formation of a holistic personality of a future teacher, as well as the integrity of the system of professional and pedagogical training at a classical university; an individual-personal approach that provides an opportunity to study along an individual educational trajectory. The main research methods were the analysis of scientific literature, theoretical generalization and modeling. The results of the study. As a result of the theoretical and experimental work carried out, it is proved that the quintessence of the heuristic capabilities of the classical university determines the development and implementation of innovative models for the development of pedagogical education. The author gives a description of each model, indicating its features and “contribution” to the training of future teachers in the system of university classical education. In conclusion, it is concluded that the proposed innovative variable models for the development of pedagogical education at a classical university will ensure the success of professional pedagogical training of future teachers, bring it to a fundamentally new level by realizing the valuable potential of a classical university.
professional and pedagogical training, value potential of classical university education, innovative model of pedagogical education.

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