Poptsov Dmitriy A.
History and Social Studies Teacher, Gymnasium No. 55 named after E. G. Verstkina, dilfinss@mail.ru, Tomsk
Lysova Natalya Fyodorovna
Кандидат биологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Life safety, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, natalyalysova@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk
Subotyalov Mikhail Albertovich
Доктор медицинских наук, professor of anatomy, physiology and life safety FSBEI HPE doctoral candidate of Faculty of Medicine of the Russian University of People’s Friendship, Novosibirsk state pedagogical university, subotyalov@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk

The importance of the course "School Medicine" in the training of future teachers

Introduction, problem statement. The article actualizes the problem of health of school-age children in Russia and the need for future teachers to master basic information on school medicine. The purpose of the article is to present the significance of the introduction of the discipline “School Medicine” in the educational process in a pedagogical university. Review of the scientific literature on the problem. The problem of deterioration of the state of student’s health is highlighted. The role of teachers in health-saving issues is revealed. Research methodology and methods. Theoretical research strategies included the analysis of normative legal documents, pedagogical, methodological and medical literature on the problem of preserving and developing the health of the younger generation in the learning process. Empirical strategies included the development of the course “School medicine” and its testing in the educational process of the university. Research results, discussion. The content of the course “School Medicine” for the master’s degree program “Safety and Health” of the pedagogical direction is presented, the meaning of each section is revealed. The main reasons for the deterioration of the health status of students in Russia are analyzed. The article substantiates the need to organize a new level of interaction between medical-biological and psychological-pedagogical structures in educational organizations based on the ideology of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of violations and recovery. The normative documents defining the place of teachers in the organization of health-saving activities and monitoring the health of students, which are important components of the system of school medicine in educational organizations, are considered. The main issues of hygiene of children and adolescents, necessary for the development of this discipline by master’s students, are highlighted. The structure of diseases of school-age children is presented, which allows undergraduates to learn about the main deviations in the state of health of school-age children, learn to identify signs (symptoms) of the main diseases and master the techniques of their primary prevention. Conclusion. To improve the health of students, it is necessary in the future to interact with teachers who know the basics of school medicine, with doctors and social workers.
health, school medicine, hygiene, students, health-saving activities, health monitoring

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