Korneenko Tatiana Nickolaevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof of the Department of Physics and Theoretical Mechanics, Far Eastern State University of Railway Transport, tkorneenko1@gmail.com, Khabarovsk

A Modern Model of the Educational Environment of the University with Regard to the Context of its Historic Developmen

For several centuries, the mission of the university, original created for the intellectual and cultural development of man, has changed little. The main task of the university is undergoing changes today. The growing antropogical contradiction: the uncertainty of the future, enormous technological variability and existential unpreparedness for this person, contributes to the revision of the university model. The purpose of the article is to develop a pedagogical model of the university that can respond to modern challenges. Methodology. The university always focuses on the future, accepts young people who will develop this future, so the emphasis of modern methodology in the design of educational systems should be “from the future”. This means that it should be based on the reflection of existing phenomena in culture today (see V.S. Stepin). In this work, university models from the late 17th century to the beginning of the 21st century were selected as materials of research in this work and their missions were analyzed. It is concluded that the era influences the formation of the university’s mission, its purpose, goals and methods of education. In particular, classical university education has always been built on three vectors: the vector of the search for the ideal self, the vector of social identification and the vector of cultural identification. In the modern period, the advantage of the vector of socialization over others is increasing. The results of the study. The pedagogical model of education at a modern university is presented. The basis is the thought of M.K. Mamardashvili about a self-fulfilling person and the principles of liberal education: the principle of active independent activity efforts, the principle of a varied educational environment, the principle of volumetric communication, communicativeness and creativity, the principle of reliance on independent learning. Thus, the modern educational environment of the university should be a varied, multi-level, practice-oriented, reflective environment in which 3 educational vectors are concentrated: the search for one’s purpose (idealization), cultural identification and social self-realization. Their combination allows us to overcome the one-sided emphasis of the educational process on socialization. The results of the research may be applied in design and implementation performance of blended learning models or their components in practice of universities.
university, educational environment, self-realization, human destiny, communication, pedagogical model

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