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Stepanova Inga Yurievna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Information Technologies of Education and Continuing Education, Siberian Federal University, stepanova-inga@mail.ru, Krasnoyarsk
Adolf Vladimir Alexandrovich
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof., Director of the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Health by I. S. Yarygin, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University name V.P. Astafyev, adolf@kspu.ru, Krasnoyarsk
Nikitenko Julia Alexandrovna
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Technologies of Education and Continuing Education, Siberian Federal University, ya.nikitenkoy@yandex.ru, Krasnoyarsk

The Involvement of School Teachers in the Prosess of Practice-Oriented Training of Students at Pedagogical University

The requirements of the modern system of general education determine the need to give the training of a studying pedagogical university a practical-oriented nature. Thus, the issue of how to involve teachers of general education organizations in the training process is updated. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the identified prerequisites for involving teachers of general education organizations in practical-oriented training of students in pedagogical areas, as well as to reveal the potential possibility of implementing the plan. Research methodology and methods. The foundations are a practical-oriented approach to the implementation of educational programs in the direction of «Pedagogical Education», a problematic approach that involves targeted search activity of new solutions, research in action. Applied methods: analysis of special literature, study of experience, survey, pedagogical modeling. Conclusion. A method of structuring the content of training in a task form is justified, which allows you to control the process of conscious mastery by students of pedagogical activities, to constructively approach the mastery of professional actions. It is shown in various ways that the implementation of the proposed method requires the involvement of teachers. Based on the survey data, the potential of teachers to be involved in the training of students in pedagogical fields is analyzed and conclusions are drawn about the existing reserves of motivation. A proposal is made to create vocational training platforms as new forms of vocational and educational cooperation between teachers, teachers and students, their model-semantic description is given.
practical-oriented training, professional activity, teacher of pedagogical direction, teacher of general education organization, teacher, educational-professional task, vocational-educational platform

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