Melnichuk Marina Vladimirovna
Доктор экономических наук, Dr. Sci. (Econom.), Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof., Head of the Department of English for Professional Communication, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, mvmelnichuk@fa.ru, Moscow
Belogash Marina Anatolievna
Assoc. Prof., Department of English for Professional Communication, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, mbelogash@fa.ru, Moscow

Emotional Intelligence as the Subject of Studying Metacognitive Processes in Universities

In the context of modern digital transformation of all aspects of the socioeconomic environment, training university students for analytical processing of increasing inflows of data and dealing with complex cognitive tasks driven by metacognition has become of particular importance. The research is aimed to review the structure of metacognitive processing, the development factors of metacognitive skills, the relation of metacognitive skills to emotional and cognitive skills, and to determine their role in the achievement of academic success of university students. Methodology. The research is undertaken on the basis of theoretical investigation and comprehensive analysis of theoretical conceptualization of intelligence. The authors have researched the derivation of metacognition, the structure of self-regulating metacognitive processes and their interaction with cognitive and affective processes. The research findings confirm that the metacognitive experience provides self-reflection, emotional awareness of feelings, estimating relationships between emotional states and the degree of implementation or attainability of a cognitive task. The authors conclude that emotional intelligence is manifested in metacognitive skills and predicts academic success. Also, teaching and learning strategies are required to be refined taking into account the development of emotional and metacognitive skills of university students.
metacognitive skills, emotional skills, academic success

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