Zhernakova Nina Ivanovna
Доктор медицинских наук, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, deanof faculty of Medical managementand Pediatrics, Belgorod National Research University, zhernakova@bsu.edu.ru, Belgorod
Irhin Vladimir Nikolaevich
Доктор педагогических наук, Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture, Belgorod National Research University, irhin@bsu.edu.ru, Belgorod
Lebedev Tikhon Urievich
Кандидат медицинских наук, Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases N.2, Belgorod National Research University, lebedev_t@bsu.edu.ru, Belgorod


The article is devoted to studying the influence of some subjective factors on the success of the training of the students of medical specialties. During the study we found a correlation between the results of intermediate certification by a number of factors which were affecting the successful development of students of medical specialties. The positive factors include female gender, gratuitous training, accommodation in the village of urban type, situated in a region with a stable political background, good knowledge of Russian language and high (more than 83) average score of the unified state examination. Factors affecting the success of the development of student medical specialties, should be considered, such as the male sex, the training on a paid basis, accommodation, located in a region with unstable political situation, poor knowledge of Russian language, low and very low (less than 67) average exam scores. Exam scores on Russian language more precisely characterize the intellectual and educational potential of the student and are more closely connected with the subsequent academic performance than exam scores for science (chemistry, biology). With the aim of raising achievement in teaching foreign students, to mitigate the problem of the language barrier, we can consider the question of the organization of education in the language of the intermediary, as well as the development and implementation of a complex of measures to intensify the study of Russian language training.
students, medical specialties, success of training, factors.