Аndrienko Elena Vasilyevna
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof. of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, eva_andrienko@rambler.ru, Novosibirsk

Digitalization of Education in the Context of Solving Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Education and Training

The article discusses some current problems of socialization, education and upbringing of children, taking into account the factor of digitalization of education. The author analyzes the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the development and socialization of students in the context of the dominance of “virtual reality”, as well as issues of digital transformation of education. Contradictory assessments of digitalization in a comparative aspect, positive and negative aspects of its impact on education and training are considered. The purpose of the article is to analyze current psychological and pedagogical problems in the difficult conditions of rapidly developing digitalization of education, to identify the features of information and communication processes, taking into account the need to solve the problems of education and training. Methodology and methods of research. The research methodology is based on a comparative analysis of Russian and foreign scientific approaches to the study of digitalization in the context of its impact on education and psychological and pedagogical processes related to socialization, upbringing, training and personal development. A socio-cultural methodological approach is used to study the impact of digitalization on education. Research results, discussion. A comparative analysis of domestic and foreign sources to identify the problems of education, upbringing and personal development in the context of digitalization of education has shown the most significant areas of development that determine the current psychological and pedagogical areas of activity. There are two main areas of personal development in modern educational conditions: information sphere and communication sphere. The information sphere is conditioned by digital socialization on the Internet and digital transformation of education. The communicative sphere focuses on communication, which forms new characteristics and qualities of interaction between subjects of education, taking into account its inevitable digitalization. The specifics of the transformation of communication in the conditions of digitalization are determined. The peculiarities of the transformation of interaction in distance education reflect the general changes associated with the reduction/simplification of communication: the transfer of new forms of communication from social networks to real communication practice. The changing information and communication aspect of modern education, which determines the development of new approaches, methods, forms and means of teaching, determines the specifics of interpersonal interaction, taking into account the transformation of verbal culture that has already taken place under the influence of the Internet and virtual socialization of children and youth, is one of the most important objects of research in psychological and pedagogical practice. Conclusion. The prospects of the obtained analytical data are related to solving the problem of effective psychological and pedagogical communication in distance learning. For teachers and psychologists working in the conditions of digitalization of education, it is necessary to take into account the socio-psychological and linguistic effect of reduction/simplification of communication, which affects the semantic aspects of information transmission and the development of meanings in teaching.
digitalization of education, digital educational environment, education, training, upbringing, personality development, socialization, transformation of communication, social networks, distance learning

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