Grinevetskaya Tatiana Nikolaevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assist. Prof., Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Novosibirsk State Medical University, Professor of the Department of Military Pedagogy and Psychology, Novosibirsk Military Order of Zhukov Institute named after Army General I. K. Yakovlev of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, Tanita973@list.ru, Novosibirsk
Nuftin Evgeny Viktorovich
Adjunct, Novosibirsk Military Order of Zhukov Institute named after General of the Army I. K. Yakovlev of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, 1eugene@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Meta-project as a digital means of individual design in professional education

The relevance of digitalization in education has become widespread and consolidated at the state level. The article deals with the solution of the problem of insufficient formation of competencies among future managers against the background of the fourth industrial revolution and digitalization. Proceeding from this, the problem is seen in the insufficient formation of organizational and managerial competence of future managers in the conditions of digitalization. The purpose of the article is to define digital means of individual design for the formation of organizational and managerial competence. The methodological basis of the study is a competence-based approach, using the principles of a personal-activity approach. The main research methods were: theoretical – analysis, generalization, comparison and systematization; empirical – observation, survey, study of documentation, methods of interpretation and analysis of data. The results of the study consist of the substantiation of the means of individual design – the “Meta-project” of students. The proposed individual project is a means of forming organizational and managerial competence. “Meta-project” is considered as a digital means of professional training and is revealed through the medium of its creation. The environment for creating a “Meta-project” is built around the interaction of traditional and digital education, professional orientation and innovation in management ideas, information environment and technologies. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature makes it possible to identify additional educational opportunities by means of a “Meta-project” and dangerous factors of individualization of learning, with ways to overcome them. In conclusion, the article substantiates the design conditions of the “Meta-project”, the stages, design modules and the impact on the development of pedagogical technology and a special course “Platform – a skilled leader”.
the fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence, digital twin, virtual reality, traditional education, digitalization of education, metaverse, digital educational space, organizational and managerial competence, pedagogical technology

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