Ivonina Olga Ivanovna
Доктор исторических наук, professor, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, ivonina@ngs.ru, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Using the “Sociocultural Identity of Russia” Category in Teaching Humanities to Pedagogical Universities Students

Problem and Aim. The article actualizes the problem of using the category of Russia’s socio-cultural identity in the process of teaching humanitarian disciplines to students studying at pedagogical universities. The purpose of the article is to present the effectiveness of using this category for the formation of social, pedagogical and professional competencies of bachelor, master and postgraduate students. Tracing the reflection of this category in the works of Russian thinkers, focused on the issues of civilizational identity, historical paths and destinies of Russia, the teacher contributes to the realization the educational potential of the domestic humanities, which contributes to the establishment traditional values in the Russian youth national self-consciousness. Methodology. An interactive dialogue with participants in the educational process (lectures, laboratory classes, special courses, special seminars and webinars, research presentations) made it possible to determine the degree to which students master the methods of comparative and retrospective historiography, functional and civilizational approaches inherent in research in the subject area of intellectual history, as well as methodology and philosophy of history. In conclusion, it is concluded that the use of the category of socio-cultural identity of Russia as an interdisciplinary one in its discursive status allows students of pedagogical universities to form competencies in several areas of modern historical education (professional, educational, pedagogical, research) at once.
russian identity, intellectual History, multiculturalism, traditional values

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