Mikhailov Semen Aleksandrovich
Lecturer, Department of Theory and Methodology of Skiing, Ural State University of Physical Culture, workmsa@yandex.ru, Chelyabinsk

A Future Coach-Teacher’s Pedagogical Model of Economic and Legal Responsibility Formation

The article is devoted to the problem of a future coach-teacher’s economic and legal responsibility formation, which has acquired particular relevance in modern market conditions. It is noted that a graduate of a sports university should have comprehensive training, one of the directions of which is the formation of skills to solve issues of economic and legal interaction in the field of physical culture and sports. This, in turn, implies a high degree of personal responsibility and conviction in the implementation of professional activities, including economic, on a legal basis. The aim of the research is: to develop and substantiate a pedagogical model for students’ economic and legal responsibility formation. Methodology and methods. The research is based on the pedagogical aspect of responsibility; axiological and integrative-developmental approaches. Analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature, modeling method were used as the main methods. Research results. A pedagogical model of the future coach-teacher economic and legal responsibility formation has been developed, the structural and functional elements of which are interrelated blocks: target, conceptual, substantive-procedural and performance-evaluation. Conclusion. Designed on the basis of the axiological and integrative-developmental approaches principles, the pedagogical model is aimed at forming a high level of students’ economic and legal responsibility. Its meaning-making element is the economic and legal values identified in the research. The effectiveness of the model is provided by pedagogical conditions, technological and methodological aspects of the implementation of which are revealed through a variety of forms, value-oriented and problematic educational technologies, interactive teaching methods contributing to the individualization of the educational process and increase the students’ motivation to achieve a high level of economic and legal responsibility.
economic and legal responsibility, formation, pedagogical model, design, coach-teacher

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