Miroshkina Marina Ruslanovna
Доктор педагогических наук, Prof. of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary and Preschool Education, State University of Humanities and Technology, marinamiroshkina@yandex.ru, Moscow


The article presents the laws of self-organization : the conditionality of its emergence and development by violation of "symmetric" feedback between man and society, development of modern educational space through multiple cycles of alternating occurrence, formation and transformation of self-organizing communities of children and adults; unity of infinity and self- limited children’s self-organization in the global world, the unity of freedom and responsibility of self-organizing subjects; correlation of the type of pedagogical activity on the level of its freedom possibility subjects. The principles of self-organization: the presumption of freedom; actualization of future; variability development paths of self-organization; compliance of the contents pedagogical activities main characteristics of generations, the network principle; methodological, environmental, regulatory and functional conditions for the implementation of pedagogical potential of self-organization; content teaching activities as creating conditions for freedom possibility.
self- organization of children and adults, the factor-impulse, pedagogical support of self- organization, freedom possibility