Nazarenko Anna Vladimirovna
senior Lecturer, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Penza State Technological University, anynazar@yandex.ru, Penza
Dianova Yulia Aleksandrovna
graduate student, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Penza State Technological University, dianova@penzgtu.ru, Penza

Formation of Innovative Potential of youth by Means Design Laboratory

The formation of innovative human potential is the key to the development of a competitive and sustainable economy. The problem of the formation of the innovative potential of young people, in particular, is solved by higher educational institutions that train highly qualified specialists with specified competencies. The experience of the Penza State Technological University (hereinafter – PenzGTU) shows the effectiveness of the development of an innovator student through design laboratories as a well-founded, purposeful and practice-oriented innovation of the educational environment. Within the framework of the project laboratory, various forms can be used: conducting an intensive training course, interacting with mentors and consultants directly or indirectly, using electronic assistants, holding plenary sessions, creative workshops and project competitions. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of organizing and conducting a project laboratory in Penza State Technical University as a condition for increasing the social activity of young people through active involvement in innovative project activities. Methodology and methods of research. The study was conducted on the basis of an environmental approach. The environmental approach is understood as a set of modern opportunities that allow to form the creative and scientific-innovative potential of young people, to produce a socially significant product and, as a result, to cause a high degree of social activity. The analyzed sources were the works of Yu. S. Manuylov, E. S. Polat, V. V. Pasechnik, V. D. Simonenko, V. A. Yasvin and others. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of pedagogical and psychological literature, practical experience. Conclusion. In conclusion, quantitative and qualitative indicators of the project laboratory activity and its impact on the formation of the innovative potential of young people are described.
project activity, innovation potential, project laboratory, educational environment

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