Faizullina Ksenia Aleksandrovna
Head of the Department of Scientific and Methodological Support of the Federal Coordinating Center for Providing the Psychological Service of the Education System of the Russian Federation, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, kseniya_cameo@mail.ru, Moscow

Pedagogical Study of Manifestations of Resilience in Adolescents at Risk

This paper presents the results of a pedagogical study of the manifestations of resilience in adolescents at risk, and also describes the procedure for diagnosing the components of the phenomenon under study: an adequate assessment of the risk situation, moral stability, and resistance to the negative impact of social risk factors using situational analysis. The purpose of the article is to study the manifestations of resilience in adolescents at risk, as well as to identify the correlation between the results obtained and the results of external valid methods. Methodology and research methods. The study is based on the author’s methodology for studying the manifestations of resilience in adolescents at the cognitive (adequate assessment of the risk situation), emotional (moral stability), activity (resistance to the negative influence of social risk factors) levels. To identify the correlation dependence of the results of the methodology for studying the manifestations of resilience in adolescents using data from external valid methods, the study used such well-known diagnostic tools as «Value Orientations» (M. Rokeach), «Studying the manifestations of spiritual and moral character traits of children» (N. F. Yakovleva), a questionnaire of socio-psychological adaptation (R. Diamond, K. Rogers, adapted by T.V. Snegireva). Research results, discussion. Pedagogical study of manifestations of resilience in adolescents at risk was carried out in the course of peer review and self-assessment using situational analysis. The content of the cases reflected the threats of family, school social risk factors, media factors, including the Internet and social networks. In conclusion, the conclusion is drawn that the participants in the experimental group have a predominantly low level of hardiness, which does not allow them to carry out an adequate assessment of the risk situation, maintain moral stability in a risky situation, and show resistance to the negative impact of social risk factors. The correlation of the obtained results of studying the manifestations of resilience in adolescents at risk and phenomena, to one degree or another associated with resilience, made it possible to identify their correlation.
adolescents, resilience, adequate assessment of the risk situation, moral stability, resilience, social risk factors, value orientations, spiritual and moral traits, socio-psychological adaptation

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