Bulankina Nadezhda Efimovna
Доктор философских наук, Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Novosibirsk Institute of Professional Skills Improvement and Vocational Retraining of Education Workers, nebn@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk
Mishutina Olga Valeryevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogical), Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, purus@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Didactic Design as the Basis for the Professional Spaces of Pedagogical Education

Problem statement reflects on the actual issues of creating the optimus for culturally oriented polylinguistic security of the current professional educational environment. Moreover, the focus is on its didactic design within the frameworks of pedagogical design determined as the most problematic aspect of the national education due to its permanent transformations. The goal of the article is to present a didactic design as a valuable component of the professional culture of the teacher of the future that requires reasonable conditions for effective interaction of the participants of the educational process. The research context is based on the leading principles of environmental and multifunctional approaches in pedagogical science and practice. Moreover, the pedagogical design focused on the ideal track of personal development in the aspect of changing the format of communication-oriented learning, functions as the leading methodological message of this micro-research. The results of the study are reflected in the presentation of a multi-level model for the formation of a portfolio of educational practices for students and adults of specialists. The portfolio positioned as a factor and condition for a positive impact on the online (e-learning; on-line) education market in a polyphonic sounding and multilingual content of the information and communication space, subject to language security. In conclusion, the conditions of genuine communication of participants in the creation of pedagogical design of continuing education are clarified in terms of maintaining psychological balance and in the aspect of critical understanding of the content-based technology of culturally oriented practices of professional formation and personal growth within the framework of the national project “Teachers of the Future”.
national project “Teacher of the Future”, multilingualism, didactic design, pedagogical design, multilingual educational environment, professional culture of the future teacher, technopark of pedagogical competencies

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