Aleksandrova Natalia Alekseevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies in Education, Saratov State University, aleksandrovan@bk.ru, Saratov
Shkapov Pavel Yu.
Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Physical Training, Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, pashka77@bk.ru, Nizhny Novgorod

Problems and Prospects of Formation of Readiness for Physical Self-improvement of Cadets of the University

The article presents a study of the problems and prospects of formation of readiness for physical self-improvement of cadets and students of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, considers a three-component structure of readiness for the implementation of any activity, reveals the readiness of a cadet for physical self-improvement from the standpoint of professional readiness, analyzes the results of the survey, formulates the problems identified in as a result of studying the answers of respondents. The article is focused on experimental and pedagogical research of potential problems (external and internal) of students’ professional self-improvement. Methodology. The theoretical basis of the work was the study of the problems of forming personnel of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for various areas of professional activity (A. V. Barabanshchikov, V. N. Gerasimov, V. P. Davydov, G. A. Davydov, A. I. Kamenev, N. N. Konyukhov, N. F. Fedenko), aspects of the formation of readiness of military personnel (I. A. Lipsky, V. A. Mikhailovsky, P. A. Korchemny, L. G. Laptev), readiness to carry out any type of professional activity, having a three-component structure (G. A. Bokareva, M. I. Dyachenko, L. A. Kandybovich, O. A., Kozlov, L. G. Laptev, A. K. Markova). Works in the field of readiness for military-professional self-improvement (G. A. Volkovitsky, I. V. Biochinsky, Yu. V. Mukhanov), studying the aspects of professional readiness (V. G. Astafiev, V. P. Bespalko, G. A. Krushnina, T. D. Kalistratova, A. M. Mitina, G. K. Parinova, V. A. Slastenin, N. A. Sorokina). The article concludes about the need of students for self-improvement, but at the same time, about the lack of psychological and pedagogical support for self-improvement of a cadet in formal and non-formal education. The problems of uniformity of forms and methods of teaching the cycle of physical culture disciplines along with the proven effectiveness of interactive pedagogical technologies were revealed. There is definitely a problem in the absence of a system of teaching the basics of self-organization and self-improvement.
readiness, readiness for professional activity, physical self-improvement, readiness for physical self-improvement

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