Kazanskaya Evgeniya Vladimirovna
Кандидат филологических наук, Chief of the Department of Foreign Languages for Economic Specialties, Rostov State University of Economics (RINH), jenni.kot@yandex.ru, Rostov-on-Don
Lavrova Irina Andreevna
Lecturer of the Department of English and Professional Communication, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, imarkova.job@gmail.com, Moskow

A Corpus-Based Text-Centric Approach to the Scientific Discourse Actualization in the Process of Forming the Professional Language Personality of Linguistic Specialties Students

The article analyses the effect of the corpus text-centered approach on the development of the personality of a linguistics student in the changing socio-pedagogical and professional context of modern society. The ways of scientific discourse actualization in the digital linguodidactic space are investigated, a systematic and in-depth justification of its forms is given, practical and didactic measures affecting the formation and harmonious development of the professional language personality of students are considered. The key characteristics of scientific communication necessary for future specialists for successful professional development in the field of linguistic knowledge are being clarified. The specifics of teaching students a foreign language based on a text-centric approach based on the online corpus dictionaries and digital word cloud technology use are being clarified. The purpose of the article is to investigate and demonstrate the conceptual model and principles of the modern didactic system, which is based on the corpus text-centered approach in the teaching of scientific discourse to language students and the development of their professional language personality. Methodology. In addition to quantitative methods, the pedagogical experiment aimed to find out the characteristics of the formation and development of the scientific discussion skills of students in the field of education “Professional education (according to industry)” a text-centric approach was used. In conclusion, it can be stated that the effectiveness of the corpus text-centered approach in the development of the professional personality of language students has been demonstrated. Recognizing the specifics of scientific communication, this approach helps students improve their reading, writing, speaking skills and understanding of foreign scientific discourse, as well as expand their vocabulary and develop logical thinking and communication skills.
professional language personality; corpus text-centric approach; word cloud; online dictionaries

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