Levykh Aljona Yuryevna
Кандидат биологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Biology), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Biology, Geography and Methods, Ishim State Pedagogical Institute named after P. P. Ershov (the branch) of Tyumen State University, aljurlev @mail.ru, Ishim


The leading role of research and project activity in the formation of the functional characteristics of the graduates, relevant to the requirements of the modern labor market are shown on the basis of domestic and foreign experience of research and project activity of students in educational institutions of different levels. The article determines the conditions under which it is possible to get the best results from the research and project activities on the basis of the literature review and the author’s experience in organizing research and project work of students of a teacher training higher educational institution. It presents the model of how to include research and project activity into a coherent system of training students in innovative educational environment of a teacher training higher educational institution, which can serve as the basis for organizing network collaboration of higher educational institutions with general comprehensive institutions of secondary education. “The Center for Science Education”, which includes science labs where creative student groups work, can act as the reference framework for such collaboration in the field of Biology and Ecology
system-activity approach, project activity, research activities, network collaboration, creative group, training modules, educational program, education and research center, teacher training education, in-service education

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