Supports in teaching reading foreign texts students of agricultural higher educational institution
1. Barbakova E.V. Metodika ispolzovaniya opor dlya chteniya tekstov razlichnykh funksionalnykh stilei': yazykovoj vuz, 1 kurs. Diss kand.ped.nauk [The technique of using supports for reading texts of various functional styles: a language high school, 1 year. Extended Abstract of Ph.D.Thesis]. Ulan-Ude, 2005. 24 p. (In Russian.)
2. Baryshnikov N.V. (2003). Metodika obucheniya vtoromu inostrannomu yazyku v shkole [The method of teaching the second foreign language at school]. Moscow: Prosveshchenie Publ.,159 p.
3. Belotserkovskaya N.V., Ignatieva Т.Е. Formirovanie grammaticheskikh navykov na osnove naglyadnosti [Formation of grammatical skills on the basis of visibility]. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii ''Nauka i obrazovanie v zhizni sovremennogo obshhestva'' [materials of international applied science conference "Science and education in the life of modern society"]. Tambov: LLC"Consulting company Yukom Publ", 2015. - pp. 16-17. (In Russian)
4. Weisburd M.L., Blokhina S.A. (1997) Obuchenie ponimaniyu inoyazychnogo teksta pri chtenii kak poiskovoy deyatel'nosti [Learning the understanding of foreign text in the context of reading as a search activity] Inostrannye yazyki v shkole [Foreign languages at school]. №1,pp.19-26 (in Russ., abstract. in Eng.)
5. Voinatskaya S.K. Аnglijskiy yazyk dlya zooveterinarnykh vuzov. Uchebnoe posobie [English for zooveterinary higher education institutions. Textbook] St. Petersburg, Lan Publ, 2012. 240 p. (In Russian)
6. Zhimalenkova Zh.T. Obuchenie ponimaniyu smyslovogo soderzhaniya teksta v opore na kon"yunktory v protsesse chteniya (starshij ehtap obucheniya anglijskomu yazyku v srednej shkole). Diss kand.ped.nauk [Teaching understanding of the semantic content of the text in support on conjunctions in the process of reading (learning English at senior secondary school. Extended Abstract of Ph.D.Thesis] . Moscow, 1989. 18 p. (In Russ.)
7. Ivanova O.N. (2009) Opory, neobkhodimye dlya ponimaniya teksta v usloviyakh trilingvizma [Supports necessary for understanding a foreign text in conditions of trilingualism] Inostrannye yazyki v shkole [Foreign languages at school]. №5, pp. 93-97(in Russ., abstract. in Eng.)
8. Mokreeva N.G. Obuchenie ponimaniyu neizuchennykh slov pri chtenii na frantsuzskom yazyke (v starshikh klassakh srednej shkoly). Diss kand.ped.nauk [Learning to understand unknown words when reading in French (in high school) Extended Abstract of Ph.D.Thesis]. - Moscow, 1970. - 23 p. (In Russ.)
9. Myasnikova E.A. Methodical recommendations for teachers of English and students of speciality 050303 Foreign language. The use of supports in the study of English. - Chita, 2012. - 16 p. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of the last view: 18.04.2017). (In Russian)
10. Sokolov A.N. (1947) Psikhologicheskiy analiz ponimaniya inostrannogo teksta [Psychological analysis of understanding a foreign text] Аkademii pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR [Izvestiya of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR]. № 7. pp. 183-186. (in Russ., abstract. in Eng.)
11. Schemes for constructing texts of different styles, as support for understanding [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of the last view: 17.05.2017). (In Russian)