Mandricova Galina Mihailovna
Доктор филологических наук, Head of the Department of Philology, Novosibirsk State Technical University, mandricova@mail.ru, Novosibirsk


The article substantiates the necessity of including in the language material lessons in the Russian language as a foreign lexical unit having the status of anthropocentric objects. The presence of such objects in the educational material that is to be learned will allow foreign students to avoid cases of communicative failures in speech communication in Russian. Anthropocentric lexical objects include the taronims – units, which are stably mixed in the production and / or perception of speech due to their formal, semantic or thematic contiguity. Taronims are a couple in which one element is the right (correct, desired) word, and the other is its erroneous substitute (for example, a symptom-syndrome). Inclusion of the taronims in the educational process in the Russian language requires their serious methodological interpretation. The procedure of methodical interpretation of potential words-taronims suggested in the work allows to include them in the study material of the lesson for mastering the lessons in Russian as a foreign language.
linguodidactics, Russian as a foreign language, anthropocentric objects, teaching vocabulary in a foreign audience.

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