Bolshunova Nataliya Ykovlevna
Доктор психологических наук, Dr.Sci. (Psycholog.), Prof., Novosibirsk state pedagogical university, nat_bolshunova@mail.ru, Novosibirsk
Ustinova Olga Anatolievna
Кандидат психологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Psychol.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Psychology, Head of the Center for Socio-Cultural Development of Man, Kemerovo State University, ustinova_oly@mail.ru, Novokuznetsk

The Characteristics Mediation Dialogue with Children of Preschool and Primary School Age

The problem and research objectives. In article is formulated the problem of the characteristics mediation dialogue for preschool and primary school age as a means of preventing and resolving children’s conflicts in terms of their rise and exacerbation of the modern school, examined social and sociocultural causes of childhood conflicts Presented the state of research on child dialogue and its mainstreaming in children. Shows the need to apply in modern socio-cultural situation of new approaches for the prevention and resolving children’s conflicts; It is proved, that one of the most effective ways to work with children’s conflict is the spiritual-moral dialogue, applied in its age specifics. The basic requirements for a dialogue in the context of the specificity of children’s subculture of preschool and primary school age. It is shown that an essential condition for the development of spiritual and moral dialogue and its effective use in mediation is creating a favourable socio-psychological and socio-cultural situation based on the Organization of education in forms children’s subculture. In the empirical part describes projects and programmes for the development of children’s dialogue in the context of the socio-cultural development of preschool and primary school age the analysis of the results of developmental experiment in kindergarten and in elementary school, the use of dialogue to update and develop the capacity for forgiveness and reconciliation. In the conclusion of shows need for modern socio-cultural conditions of special work on development signed mediation of spiritual and moral dialogue, based on the specificity of children’s subculture, as a means of preventing and resolving children’s conflict in preschool and elementary school students.
children’s conflict, children’s subculture, mediation, mediativnyj dialogue, socio-cultural development, forgiveness, values, preschoolers, primary school age

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