Cheremisinova Irina Sergeevna
Post graduate Student of the Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages Department, Vyatka State University, irinacheremisinova87@mail.ru, Kirov


The article aims at theoretical grounding of the reasonability to use the intercultural discourse as the learning speech material for formation of the intercultural foreign language communicative competence in university students. The research of the main notions is based on system-structural, competence, intercultural and communicative-cognitive methodology and presented in the following the results. Foreign language education content for formation of the intercultural foreign language communicative competence is regarded as a five-level structure of value, behavioral, cognitive, communicative and didactic-methodical components, the complex unit if which is the socio- and intercultural learning speech material. The organizational form of the material is proved to be an intercultural discourse consisting of two texts, which are created in diverse socio-cultural environments and united by the same theme, genre and logic. Functional, situational, dialog, communicative and binary qualities of intericultural discourse are discussed. The model of students’ interaction with the intercultural discourse in the course of discursive activities is presented. Its result is a secondary discourse, which shows the level of intercultural foreign language communicative competence formation.
intercultural foreign language communicative competence, the content of foreign language education, learning speech material, intercultural discourse, discursive activities

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